Exodus wallet

Exodus is a multi-currency wallet that supports over a hundred cryptocurrencies. The crypto wallet was originally available

Exodus(opens in new tab) is a multi-currency wallet that supports over a hundred cryptocurrencies. The crypto wallet(opens in new tab) was originally available only on desktop, but is now also available for iOS and Android mobile platforms as well.

Exodus sets itself apart from other wallets with a design focus on people who have never dabbled with cryptocurrencies. It has an easy-to-use interface and its developers spend a great deal of time and effort polishing the UI to make it more intuitive.

One of Exodus’ most popular features is support for a range of different altcoins(opens in new tab), as well as Bitcoin. You can also use the wallet to exchange one cryptocurrency for another without any form of registration.

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Remember, however, that Exodus is a light wallet that uses Simplified Payment Verification, which means it doesn’t download complete blockchains and instead uses a series of servers to track wallet balances.

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Interface and ease of use

Exodus is a cross-platform app available that’s available for Windows(opens in new tab), macOS(opens in new tab), and Linux(opens in new tab). Since it doesn’t demand registration, you can simply download the app and install it to get started.

Note, however, that while its developers maintain that they take all steps to ensure that the app is secure, it doesn’t include two-factor authentication support, and only relies on a password.

Also, unlike some of its peers, Exodus also doesn’t implement a relatively new authentication mechanism known as multi-signature address, which requests permissions from multiple devices before initiating any transfers.

Once you are inside the app, the interface is inviting and fairly intuitive. This is quite a feat since the app is designed to offer both crypto exchange(opens in new tab) and portfolio management services, and you can use it to store, manage and trade cryptocurrencies from one interface.

The app has a handful of icons at the top of the interface that you can use to navigate through its various functions. For instance, the Portfolio icon gives you an overview of your cryptocurrencies along with relevant information such as the price movement in different time frames for different assets. Then there’s the Wallet section from where you can send and receive any of the supported cryptocurrencies, either by scanning QR code or by using wallet addresses. The Exchange tab allows you to trade between cryptocurrencies.

A fairly new addition is the use of apps. You can think of them as plugins that add more functionality to the wallet, such as the ability to earn interest on your cryptocurrencies.

Last updated